第15期教师发展论坛通知 作者:教师教学发展中心 2018-11-07
主 题: Thought Leadership and Academic Researchers: A Challenge 主讲人:Dr Kathryn Chang Barker 时 间:2018年11月9日 13:30—15:00 地 点:综合楼B411 参加人员:近两年新进青年教师,2018年教师教学发展研究项目负责人/成员。欢迎其他教师积极参加! 内容摘要: The academic work at the university presents students, staff and researchers with 2 important opportunities. One is to understand and link to the big issues that concern Thought Leaders, e.g. the Belt and Road Initiative. The second is to become a Thought Leader. This lecture challenges the audience with tools and techniques to do both. 主讲人简介:Dr Barker is a consulting education futurist and higher education expert from Canada.Dr Barker has taught Theory-based Leadership Development at USTC. For 5 years, she participated in the CAS training program at USTC, contributing a session on “intercultural leadership skills.” Dr Barker has experienced life and work in higher education in many countries. She works with senior leadership, using her cultural adaptability and expertise in strategic and operational planning, faculty development and teaching excellence, international education and lifelong learning, learning technologies and quality assurance. 能源与动力工程学院、教师教学发展中心 2018年11月7日 |
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